
I’m so sorry for leaving my blog for so long. I didn’t want my family/friends to find out the big news via my blog, so I was waiting to post for a while. Spreading the news has been exhausting so anyway, enough emailing… here it is.

Scott and I are getting married next month!

It’s just going to be a tiny ceremony, 8 guests, on July 14th, and then a party on the weekend for other friends. It sucks but it looks like none of my family will be able to make it. I know we didn’t give much notice.

I need to get to British Columbia ASAP to start establishing my residency so I can actually get into BCIT next year. We know it’s going to be a struggle for a while, we are going to be very poor. This is why we haven’t planned any Ottawa party yet… I really don’t know when we will have the cash to fly anywhere. I really WANT to bring Scott home, but we don’t really know when. We will keep you posted, and eventually there will be a Canadian celebration.

At least Rosemarie gets to meet him soon.

Our friends and family here are very excited for us. Scott and I are great together and they all see that. We are so happy and very confident in our decisions. It has been a very stressful month but we’re getting through it. We’re a great team.


  1. since i’m the only one on the canadian side who’s met scott, i’ll chime in here: I think he’s a super great guy! And you guys are great together. so happy for you!!!!!!

  2. congradulations! I am sure it will go well and you are destined for another great adventure, and that’s what life is right, a big adventure. Have a wonderful trip to Hawaii (are you going to visit any volcanoes?). And my fingers are crossed for you for Vancouver, its a beautiful city (when it isnt raining). Let me know if you need any info about life in Vancouver

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