Last couple days.
Day 7
This day we switched with the other group. Boat Team went out on Hama’s boat to go snorkeling in four different locations. The first one was in a big cave (Hama was telling us about all sorts of crazy caves underneath Christmas Island.. they sound incredible. Some you have to scuba dive to get to, but then there are beaches INSIDE THE ISLAND). The second was over a shipwreck that has been reclaimed by coral and looks very interesting, and the third was just a place with epic coral and fish, very accessible. Saw a reef shark pretty close. When we stopped at the fourth stop I could see something dark in the water and Chris and Hama were telling me to get in quick, then they were throwing food into the water and like 20 HUUUUGE Giant Trevally were all around me. It was so cool. They’re like 1 meter long and THICC!

On the way back Hama dangled a orange float on a rope out the back of the boat and lots of boobies and juvenile frigatebirds came down to look at it. It was really cool and fun to try and get pictures while also trying to hang onto the boat.

They use these signs to help control the traffic during the crab migration.
After showers and lunch we went to look at this enormous strangler fig. You can go inside of it! There were tons of crabs in the forest. And tons of mosquitos. I did not stop moving.

We ended up at the Blowholes boardwalk at sunset. Funny how everything was perfectly timed to get epic photos eh? :D Because the whole island is made of limestone there are blowholes all along the coast. Hard to capture in a picture how neat it was. I love a good geological feature.
That evening we had a special fish dinner back by the pool at the hotel. Alex showed us the trip video that she had been secretly making of us the whole time… it was such a sweet surprise. Part 1. Part 2.
Day 8

Up before dawn again, why not, for one last sunrise shoot, this time at Margaret Knoll lookout. My sunrise pictures are a bit meh but we got some great last wildlife shots.
Abbott’s Booby. They sure didn’t seem endangered with how many were flying over! But this is one of the only places to see them. Very special.

Christmas Island Flying Fox. LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t get over it. How lucky that they fly around in the daylight there and I happened to have my camera ready when this one flew RIGHT OVER US. This is my luckiest photo of the trip.

The elusive Golden Bosun. Quite far away again but I just like the composition of this photo.

A very curious juvenile Christmas Island Frigatebird checking us out.

Then we had a hot breakfast of bacon and eggs down by the pier, which tasted especially delicious after so many breakfasts of of thin white bread with Vegemite the other days.

Our last excursion was going to The Dales to see the blue crabs. They’re really cute, and really blue!
We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant and then we had a bit of time in town to buy souvenirs and snacks for the way home.
It’s not easy to live on Christmas Island!
The flight back to Perth stops on Cocos Island first, which adds another 1.5 hours onto the trip. I had my own row though so I was able to lie down. Cocos looks crazy from the air, it’s like a ring of teeny tiny islands with a lagoon in the middle. And we somehow landed an airplane there. I was surprised how many people got off and on.
Our flight was pretty delayed so I didn’t get to my hotel in Perth until like 2AM. It was very comfortable though (woohoo, good use of Qantas points) and I slept in very late. Then I spent the day wandering around Perth, dodging rain and looking for new birds. I only managed to see Western Wattlebird, and a couple Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, but no pics of either. I took myself out for a nice sushi dinner and then went back to the hotel for another big sleep. Finally the next day I took the train to the airport (so easy!) and flew back to Melbourne.
Overall the trip was extremely super awesome. I had a great time and saw so much cool stuff. I feel really lucky that I got to see Christmas Island as it is now, pretty much untouched by tourism. It’s such a beautiful place I’m sure it’ll get discovered/ruined some day. Chris’s tour was awesome and I hope I’m lucky enough to be able to go on another one of his some day.
Thanks for sharing your epic adventures!