Oops at not posting very much this week. I’ve been really busy with school. Midterms have started. I had anatomy yesterday, and physics today. ONLY 21 more midterms to go. :/

from physicians.fraserhealth.ca/
We have been doing some fun things too though. Yesterday afternoon I had my first hospital visit. Gillian, Lesley and I went to tour the outpatient nuclear medicine unit in Surrey. They split the three of us up and we each followed a technologist who was doing their regular work. I saw a few bone scans and heart scans, and a couple others. I got to ask lots of questions, listen to all the things the technologists say to the patients, and see how they position the patients and the cameras and things. It was really neat. I even had to call in the next patient and ask them to use the bathroom and help them get out after the scan was done.
That department is soooooooooo nice. Everything is brand new and clean and fast. They can do a CT scan in 13 seconds! I would consider doing one of my clinical placements there just because it is so modern and nice there, and all the people were really friendly and treated us students well.

from sellesmedical.co.uk
Then today in nursing class we learned about vitals. We learned how to take blood pressure the old fashioned way! I did not get it all the first time: I opened the valve too fast so the cuff deflated really fast, and all I could hear in the stethoscope was my fingers moving around. But then the second time I heard what I was supposed to hear. I’d say I was within ±10. More practice needed next week.
My blood pressure was quite low, but my heart was beating fast. I think I was a bit stressed out again about the morning’s midterm. Plus a little more exercise probably wouldn’t hurt.
So happy that it’s the weekend. Unfortunately I have three difficult midterms next week so I’m probably going to spend the whole weekend studying. It would be nice to get out to try a hot chocolate from the Hot Chocolate Festival before it ends though! I have my eye on a salted caramel hot chocolate, or a hazelnut hot chocolate (hopefully Scott will also want to try one of those so I can taste both) from Thomas Haas, but it’s all the way in Kitsilano so we’ll see.
jflajdksladh hot chocolate festival! You’re killing me! Hope you get to go.
i’ll trade you hot chocolate festival for strawberry yoduly with pearls