It’s been an interesting and eventful week of skeleton.

Last weekend I slid on Saturday and Sunday with the regular skeleton school. I wasn’t sliding that well… didn’t even crack 120 km/hr and was mostly coming in last place each run. It was still fun though. Leslie came to watch us and took a few pictures. The best part of the weekend was that our coach said that Matt and I could start coming up to slide on weeknights with the BC team. After 2+ years of skeleton school…. we have graduated!!
Thursday night BCBSA sliding was awesome. We got to do a track walk for the first time. I was surprised how steep it was. One guy almost took out the whole team when he fell down, haha. My first run was wild and not great, but then Ivo reminded me about how I need to keep my toes together the entire time and my second and third run were much better. I even beat Matt on my last run. Ah, everything returning to normal. ;)
I went up again on yesterday too. I did one mediocre run from corner 7, and then Ivo got me to move up. Starting at corner 3 adds about 4 seconds on to your run time and up to 10 km/hr faster. It was scary!! The first run I did from there was ok… I had a couple big bumps, went 126 km/hr. Exhilarating!
My second run from corner 3 was more exciting… I fell off my sled!! I drove up a corner so high my sled tipped me off and I couldn’t get back on. I watched my sled disappear in front of me while I slid down the ice on my stomach. It actually wasn’t that bad though, it didn’t even rip my suit. I walked off the track. I’m a little sore today but not in any particular area. For a first crash, it went pretty smoothly.
So now I’ve got two more days of BCBSA sliding next week before I head to Toronto/Ottawa/Calgary. These team sessions are so much better than the schools because Ivo has so much more time to spend with us. I feel like I’ve learned so much in the past few days. I’m so excited for Calgary too…. a slower track, a new track, running starts, fresh start. YAY!!
And to finish off this post, here is my first One Second Everyday video! My project this year has been to take one second of video each day with the 1 Second Everyday app which stitches all the clips together into a video. Here is the January 2014 instalment: