Jemma invited us to go to the roller rink with her family. It was the first time I’ve been on rollerblades since I was about 12 years old I think. It was fun! I didn’t fall at all. Myles was so funny on his rollerskates… he is very brave, but doesn’t glide much. Instead he sort of runs, quite fast, in a perpetual state of Almost Falling Down. He did fall down about 9000 times but he just gets right back up and keeps going. He was a sweaty little boy.

Another Birdlife photography outing. This time we went to three different spots in Altona, and Scott came too! It was a good photography day for once. We saw lots of birds, including quite a few new birds, and the lighting conditions were great so I actually got some good pictures. A pleasant day overall.

We also saw a big Tiger Snake. Snek.
Melbourne v Hawthorn at the MCG. We won. Fun game. I love getting cheap General Admission tickets and sitting up close around the goals.

We went to see the Cirque du Soleil show Luzia. I really enjoyed it!!! It was just a lot of fun. My favourite part was the contortionist. That guy is so flexible!!!!!!!
We didn’t go anywhere for Easter but it was still an excellent weekend. Cirque du Soleil, many many games of Everdell, a family lunch with all of the nephews, Jen’s birthday gathering. And no traffic!
I finally stopped playing Stardew Valley and got back to work on my Petricor sweater. I just had to finish the second sleeve, so I bundled it up into a ball to make it easier to turn all the time.
We went out for Malaysian food to celebrate Scott finally getting a job. The restaurant was a bit strange but the food was great. We also had pickles and Hainanese chicken and rice. Funny story though, Scott ended up accepting a second job and quitting the first one after six days of work. Awkward but a good result. He is now fully employed and seems to be enjoying the new role. Scotty Two Jobby is now Scotty One Jobby.
Unpictured things:
- I competed in the VWA Open #1 at Phoenix. I did kind of meh. I snatched 50kg, which is pretty good I guess, but then I only clean and jerked 56kg, which was disappointing. I’ve clean and jerked 60kg in the gym a couple times but have yet to pull it off in a competition. I was feeling strong and ready but didn’t execute. I was so frustrated afterwards.
- Bis had everyone over on a really hot day to play games. I asked what time he wanted us to come over and he said 10:00AM!!! We played a game of Welcome To (it really is a good game for slightly larger groups, thank you Lesley for the recommendation) and then they were going to play a new game called Approaching Dawn: The Witching Hour, that could only have 6 players so Jen and I elected to just lie on the couches instead. I think we made the right choice because the game sounded painful. It took so long we had to leave after that. Even though I barely played any games and Scott got stuck playing a very long not-really-that-fun game it was still a good day because we could blast the AC in the common room as much as we wanted and I didn’t have to do chores.
- Our March #SMAJ was a throwing lesson with instructor Scott. Because I don’t know how to throw properly. He did a good job, he had all sorts of drills written down. I didn’t know how to place my feet properly or anything. The next day I was quite sore through the side of my ribs haha. I guess I don’t do very many twisty exercises.