For the next four weeks I start work at 7:00 AM, so I spent today prepping a bunch of breakfast foods so that I hopefully don’t have to wake up much before 6 AM. I made 12 oatmeal chocolate chip muffins this morning, and just finished making 10 breakfast burritos this afternoon. All that combined with bagels being on sale for $1 a bag at No Frills means that our freezer is totally ridiculous right now!!

Is it weird that I took a picture of my freezer? Probably.

Last week at work was enjoyable. Things are becoming more familiar and I’m getting better at dealing with patients. There really are a lot of details I need to eventually know!!! I’ll be on a new camera for the next two weeks, similar to what I was on before but with only one camera head instead of two. This camera also gets a whole lot of different scans scheduled on it so it will be another two weeks of randomness.

In other news, Scott is home! He worked something like 140 hours over the last two weeks in Edmonton so we’ve been taking it very easy this weekend. We’ve been watching a lot of Australian Masterchef.

Today was a good day of work. My patients were mostly young and easy to deal with. I wrote down my first D’s (for DID, instead of WATCHED or HELPED) in my daily log. I feel a bit behind compared to my classmates, but I think it’s because the camera I am on sees so much variety… it is pretty hard to get to the D level when I see the same scans so sporadically, unlike on some of the other cameras where they just do heart scans non-stop. I’m sure it will even out over the span of the summer.

I painted my nails on the weekend with Rosemarie.

We were experimenting with my new nails painting stickers that I bought off Ebay for cheap. I’ll try it again sometime and show you how they work.

That’s Joe Fresh in Oyster, and Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Green With Envy.

Scott was supposed to come home tomorrow, but things went wrong at his work and now he’s stuck in Edmonton until the end of the week. :( I don’t mind being alone, but he’s been gone for a long time.

Rosemarie and I had a nice weekend together. Soaking up all the sister time that we can get before she leaves for Fiji. We played Carcassonne (with two expansions), cooked Shepherd’s Pie, painted our nails, did crafts, watched Parks and Recreation, and went to the food convention together! I only heard about the convention on Saturday so I was pretty happy that Rosemarie agreed to go.

Eat! Vancouver was AWESOME! It was $14 to get in (you save $2 if you buy your tickets online) and we stuffed ourselves with zillions of free samples from all sorts of food companies big and small. It was amazing. There were samples that cost money too (from $0.50 to $4) but we didn’t actually buy any because we were stuffed from all the free stuff.

I definitely did not take a picture of every single thing that we tried. We tried 50+ things!!!!!

Some highlights:

  • calamari salad
  • seaweed salad
  • butternut pumpkin and fennel soup (I didn’t taste fennel, it was more curry)
  • pomegranate and blueberry smoothie (McDonalds!)
  • tofu with a gross hot sauce
  • butter pecan fudge
  • a million different dips
  • a million different salsas
  • a million different hummuses
  • a million different salad dressings
  • olive tapenade
  • pistachios
  • ice cream and gelato (both salted caramel flavour)
  • hot sauce on styrofoam crackers
  • corned beef
  • salmon jerky (yuck)
  • weird noodles made out of tofu (yuck)
  • fancy butter
  • mushroom cream cheese (one of the most tasty things we tried)
  • lots of different types of fancy pop
  • lots of different types of juice (Purity Organics strawberry paradise was my favourite)

And MORE!! I can’t believe how many free samples there were!!

I bought some praline fudge. It is really good. People really liked my sushi shirt, if I had some business cards I totally would have made a sale. Rosemarie took this picture of me and my food related items.

They also had some kind of FOOD ART competition going on. I think the first two pictures there were made out of chocolate, and this last one was made of carrot, daikon, ginger etc. SO COOL!!

It was my first time being in BC Place ever. That’s the new roof that they spent 50 billion dollars on that isn’t even that great. The stadium seemed pretty good though, like everyone would have an equal view of the field.

They had Food Network celebrities doing shows around the outsides and we sat to watch one of them but the video screen that showed the counter was too hard to see so it wasn’t very interesting. We left early. There was a cheese seminar too but we missed getting in, bummer!!!

We got tons of swag. Magazines full of recipes, tons of coupons, samples, MORE COFFEE etc etc. We also got free shampoo samples at the Skytrain station! MEGA SAMPLE DAY!

All in all it was an excellent way to spend the morning. I recommend going right for the time it opens because it was pleasant then, but then started to get VERY busy around 12 or 1 PM. The only criticism I have is NEEDS MORE CHEESE SAMPLES!! There were almost none!! Booooo. But anyway we left with very full stomachs and had lots of fun. Definitely worth $14 and I will definitely be going back next year.

You may have seen it on Facebook or Twitter already, but my clinical placement coordinator guy approved my plan to be able to visit Rosemarie in Fiji for longer! Basically I was already planning on visiting her there during my March Break, but then I did a little brainstorming and realized that maybe I could sacrifice my two weeks off at the end of this this summer in order to get two extra weeks off around March Break. It’s so cheap in Fiji (so I’ve been told) I figure I might as well just stay longer, hehe.

So I emailed him a week or so ago, and I just found out on Thursday that he sees no flaws with my plan! I AM SO EXCITED. IKSIDID. So I will work at the Children’s Hospital for the last two weeks of the summer. Bye bye summer, HELLO THREE WEEKS IN FIJI! I think it will be worth it.

Scott will probably just go for a week. He has to work, plus he is also going back to Melbourne in December again for his sister’s wedding (I can’t go to that because it is directly in the middle of my exams). A lot of big travel in the next 10 months!! Definitely blowing the travel budget for the next looooong time after that.

Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Boston Pizza perogie pizza. That’s kind of like getting paid, right? :/

First week of work went well: we got free food twice in five days. That’s pretty good statistics.

The non-food part went pretty well too. I’m on a camera (this week and next week) that sees a lot of variety which is good and bad. Good because it’s not boring, bad because it’s hard for me to help out when everything is new. But we also do quite a lot of bone scans and I am getting ok at preparing and running those.

Today was sweaty. Lead aprons are not exactly breezy.

My goals for the week were to drink more water and to talk louder. I semi-succeeded at both. Goal for next week: get less flustered. I have to say that trying to remember things when they are actually happening is A LOT harder than remembering things when you are sitting quietly writing an exam.