We had a fun board game day at our house where we played Lords of Waterdeep with all the expansions and had a mega sandwich buffet with good bread from Baker Bleu, and Golden Soup with crunchy chick pea topping.
We were going to have another boardgame night the following weekend with different friends but ended up having to cancel because I got mega sick. I thought it was just a bad cold at first, then started to feel better mid-week, even well enough to go to training on Wednesday morning, but then I got much much more sick after that and ended up taking the entire week off work. I completely lost my sense of taste and smell for about a week as well. But tested negative on several different covid tests! Weird.
Luckily I was well enough to go to watch the Geelong-Brisbane finals game with Scott and Donna and her whole family. (I mega bundled myself.) We had great seats. The kids were a bit devo when Geelong lost but Scott was elated as that meant his team was making it to the Grand Final again (and he had a connection to get a ticket).
Then Scott started to feel sick! I was worried for him because it took me a full 9 days to feel well enough to do anything and he had just spent $800 on a Grand Final ticket that was about 5 days away at that point. But out of sheer will and determination, he seemed to have cured himself in time and he had a great day at the Grand Final (Brisbane won, by a lot).
He did not feel well enough to go to the showing of Wallace and Gromit Wrong Trousers with live brass band with me during the week, so I took my friend Charlie instead and we had a great time. The band played a a bunch of random amusing songs at the beginning, and then they played the whole soundtrack along with the movie on the big screen. I LOVED IT SO MUCH. And then we got Japanese food for lunch near by and it was an excellent day overall.

Rosemarie’s sweater progress! That thin blue tubing (barber cord) can attach right onto the ends of your needles so you can make the circumference big enough to try stuff on as you go. I ordered it for a few dollars off Amazon. Neat! I decided to do the neck and sleeves before I continued on with the body, which is different to how the pattern is written but I think helps with keeping motivation up by getting the harder parts out of the way sooner.
Unpictured stuff:
- Scott took Myles to see Transformers One at the movies for his birthday. I was still sick so I stayed home, which deeply concerned Myles at first… until he remembered that I could watch it on Disney Plus later. Hehehe.