This weekend was the UBC Apple Festival. We had a really good time last year, so both Scott and I were quite excited to go again this year. We brought along a friend of mine (one of my classmates) this time and all three of us had lots of fun.

We tasted a million kinds of apples. My favourites were Jonamac, Fiesta (which apparently I liked last year too!), Honeycrisp, and Lord Lambourne. Both Scott’s and Gill’s favourites were totally different than mine, and each others. All apples really do have different tastes, textures, and juiciness. It’s really neat to try so many at the same time. I prefer softer, juicy and not overly sweet, while Scott likes crunchy and very sweet.
Actually we all liked Lord Lambourne, but that one wasn’t available for sale!

Scott entered an apple peeling contest.

I ate the whole peel except this tiny strip, so Scott used it for a disguise.

Scott and Gill shared a piece of apple pie.

And we took a corny photo (that I love).
We all bought one bag of apples. Jonamac for me, Senshu for Scott, and Aurora Golden Gala for Gill.
It really was a great Saturday morning. Unfortunately the rest of the weekend is filled with homework. Back to studying now…