We finally have internet so I can blog again!
We’ve been REALLY busy for the last week and a half, which was a good thing because I don’t think I could survive without internet for so long if I didn’t have so much stuff to do.
Since the end of school we moved out of our old apartment and into our new place. We cleaned the old place. Went to the food convention twice. Went to Lesley’s house. Visited with Lauren. Went out for drinks. Got my hair cut. Water marbled my nails. Started my summer clinical placement.
Just this weekend I prepared and cooked a porchetta and finally unpacked the last of all our boxes. Lesley is coming over in a bit for patio drinks and Ticket To Ride. I still need to study a bit for knowledge testing tomorrow.
Sooo… lots of blog posts to come! Here are some of the pictures that didn’t fit into any of my other posts…

me on the patio the day we got our keys

when we first got everything moved into our new apartment

at church’s chicken for the first time

sunset view from the balcony

patio laptop and whiskeys

look what Scott found while cleaning the fridge at the old house!!! best surprise ever!!
I’m going to take some apartment pictures RIGHT NOW. :)