It has been a very busy week. I am tired!

Natasha stayed with us for a few days after New Years. We had a lot of fun with her, playing Settlers and dragging her around to different parts of the city to buy shelves, and cooking a lot of delicious vegetarian asian food.

Our New Years Eve was very low key. Natasha, Parry, and his fiancee came over. The last time I saw Parry was like 4 years ago… on New Years Eve in Toronto! Anyway it was really good to see him again, he’s pretty much the only one I still keep in contact with from Maastricht.

At about 1:00 AM Nat, Scott and I decided that doing the New Years Day Polar Bear Swim in English Bay was actually the greatest idea of all time. We got pretty pumped about that, and then went to bed. But we followed through! There were SOOOOOOO many people there. Apparently there were something like 2,300 swimmers, and probably just as many spectators. It was insanity.

I reckon I was only in the water for about 5 seconds. We had decided that you had to dunk your head to make it ‘official’ so I ran two steps in, ducked under, and then ran out. Wrapped up in our giant towels and then got dressed up in the massive amount of winter clothing we packed. It actually wasn’t that bad! The sun shining definitely helped. The only bad part was our feet… the beach was painfully cold.

After the swim we walked up and got hot chocolate and by that time we were all pretty much back to normal! If I’m here next year I would do it again. Unless it was raining.

After the long weekend Scott and I were back to work, Natasha headed off to New Zealand, and then Rosemarie came back (bearing gifts and snowboarding equipment)! Of course we squeezed in another game of Settlers.

Both Scott and I feel pretty run down after all this activity. I need a long weekend after that long weekend. :/ Which I do not get, at all, because I’m going in tomorrow to do overtime at work! The money will help though… a lot of snowboarding in our near future!!

Mount Seymour on Monday for a practice session. We are renting a car because it is actually cheaper than paying 4 one-way shuttle tickets and 2 add-fares, plus then we don’t have to leave work early. Girls are free on Monday nights too, which is awesome! Then Whistler next weekend!! We originally planned on just going for the weekend, but Scott suggested I stay Monday too with his friends, which I am now very much considering (Scott can’t stay because he actually must be at work that Monday). We shall see. I am excited!!

About time for another food post soon. I’ve had some successes lately. Mmmmm.

Woooo only 1.5 more days of work, then a 4.5 day weekend!!

I haven’t been sleeping well lately. The kid upstairs screams for her mom for 20 minutes once per night, and I get hyper-focused on Scott’s breathing sounds, and my brain keeps going a million miles per hour… and I’m up for hours. :(

Looks like we’re going to Whistler mid-January. Two of Scott’s friends from Kansas are going and we are meeting up with them there. He says the last time he saw one of them was 2008 and the other 2004! I just hope it’s not toooo crowded (since we’ll be going on a weekend) and we get enough time on the mountain, because it sure is expensive! Hopefully we can also squeeze in a night session at one of the local hills before then too because I feel rusty and Scott is still very much a beginner!! I’ve been keeping an eye out for coupons.

Last January I made a whole bunch of stupid New Years resolutions. I don’t have the exact list anymore because it was on my ‘craptop’ which is now in the garbage. :/ I really can’t remember them except for “invent teleportation” and “eat a grilled cheese hamburger”. Anyway I did the latter on the weekend and it was glorious.

Things I wish someone would invent soon:

1) Brain notepad.
Like the notepad I have on my phone, but IN MY BRAIN. No need for typing.

2) A nutritional information tracker in my mouth.
Calories and fibre and protein and all that stuff. No more need for estimating how many grams of cheese I ate… it just calculates from what you actually put in your mouth (har har).

3) Teleportation

4) Temperature adjusting blanket.
No more sticking your leg out from the side of the blanket, or throwing it on the floor only to wake up cold later. This blanket would regulate everything from night to morning and keep you at the right temperature.

In other news, I received this email from Ms. Fisher of BCIT today:

“In addition to post secondary transcripts, we will review evidence of any recent advanced applications (work or project based) that provide proof of current knowledge and practice related to the program prequisite courses.
Kind regards

Good news. This is very different than what Saxxxxxony told me last year. I think now being a BC resident helps a lot, or maybe my pestering actually did some good. Anyway I think I’ll leave it at that for now, but once the selection process starts in January I will call again just to make sure my application is in the right pile.

After a rather uneventful Saturday (just tv and laptop and a quick trip down Broadway to the Michael’s grand opening (Holy moly it was busy. I got 8 things of acrylic paint for $2, two canvases for $5, a cheapo paintbrush and some varnish for the table (with 50% off coupons))) I decided to check the Craigslist community postings for the first time.

The first posting was about an apple festival at UBC. I thought it was cool, and Scott loves apples. The $2 entrance and $3 to taste 60 varieties of apples convinced us to go. So we got up early Sunday morning and bused to UBC (wow it is far!). It’s a good thing we arrived early because it was very busy and extremely busy by the time we were leaving. Unfortunately we ran out of time in the tasting tent but I reckon we still tried about 40 kinds of apples. Pretty neat. I liked one called Fiesta, and another one I can’t remember the name of. Doh.

We tried the new Ambrosia apples. Scott liked it, but I don’t really care for ultra sweet apples so it wasn’t my thing.

After the tasting we looked around at all the other food booths, and also did a taste survey of three new varieties of apples. We also saw them making cider and a huge room full of every variety of apple that exists (nearly!).

We thought we’d pick up some of the ones Scott liked at the end, but by the time we got to the sales area EVERYTHING WAS SOLD OUT. It was totally barren. Note for next year: Go EARLY on Saturday, and buy your apples immediately!

So way back on the 17th we left for Hawaii. A car ride, two planes, two buses later, and a lot of sweating later, we arrived at our little room in Kailua. Instead of staying in Honolulu we opted to rent a spare room in a much quieter town. We had no idea what it would be like but luckily it was OK.

We spent the majority of our vacation relaxing in different places. Oahu is BEAUTIFUL with its lush green forests and huge interesting looking mountains. Plus sunshine every day and very little rain.
We also spent lots of time looking for the perfect food: cheap, tasty, different, vegetarian options.

We went to Waikiki beach a couple times, and beautiful Kailua beach right near where we were staying almost every day. It was very windy there though.

Us at Waikiki.

We snorkeled in Hanauma Bay. It was good, lots of fish, but pretty crowded.

We went to Wet N Wild Hawaii for a day and had A BLAST. So many slides and so much fun. Also Scott is an excellent person to go to a waterpark with because he carries the raft!

One day on our way back to our room we stumbled upon a farmers market with lots of produce and nice food. We bought some chipotle taro dip, and I had totally yummy ahi (seared tuna) with 8 pounds of garlic. There were also some Hawaiian music players and a bunch of local hula dancers! Neat! It was really cool because it wasn’t tourist oriented, just their normal market.

One night we ended up at a really fancy sushi restaurant. We sat at a bar and had our own sushi chef in front of us who would make us anything we wanted. It was pricey though so we didn’t get anything too crazy. I had delicious tuna rolls, and a thai shrimp one. Scott had weird vegetarian sushi with 8 million types of veg. Oh and the sushi chef let me try this cool eel sushi roll that had thinly sliced cucumber instead of rice. Yum!

Most of our trip we took the public buses around everywhere. They were pretty unreliable, but we were on holiday so it wasn’t the hugest deal. We rented a car for the last two days though and that was really fun. We drove all the way around the island each day, up to the North Shore via Giovanni’s shrimp truck and a bakery for chocolate haupia pie, checking out new beaches and LOST filming locations. We went to Waimea Bay expecting huge waves and surfing, but apparently in the summer it is flat as. Like as flat as a lake. It was crazy.

Super flat North Shore.

One beach we stopped at had heaps of giant turtles close to shore, munching on the stuff growing on the rocks. We could see them really clearly and it was really special.

We also stopped at THE WORLDS LARGEST MAZE… in 2008. I was pretty excited about this, since I did this big project on mazes back in grade 12 and still hadn’t actually been in one. We had a card and were supposed to go around and find 8 different stations. Scott and I went our separate ways… wandered for about 10 minutes and bumped into each other. Neither of us had found any! We separated again. I wasn’t really having fun any more. I found two, mostly because of loud children with parents who had maps, and then bumped into Scott again. He had a couple as well, but neither of us were having that much fun at all so we left, haha.

Scott’s impression of the maze.

Delicious delicious shave ice with ice cream and beans.

Awesome Hawaiian sunset.