Not sure what’s more impressive… the waterfall or my calves…
Often when I’m camping with Scott I think “This is fun, but this would be even more fun with friends.” So when our new board game friends invited us to go camping with them on Australia Day weekend I said YES!!!!
We drove up on Saturday morning stopping at Platypi Chocolate and a couple waterfalls. I really wanted to see a pink robin, which only live in certain parts of the Otways, but no luck. The waterfalls were nice though.

Scott had a nice time throwing the vortex on the beach with the gang. One of the guys had a killer throw, even against the wind.

I was so impressed with everyone’s food organization. We made tacos and that was probably the trashiest meal out of everyone haha.

Many board games were played, of course. Crowd favourites were Camel Up and Wits & Wagers.

Johanna Beach is a bit rough for swimming (and it was too cold anyway), but has cool tide pools and nice sunset views!

I did not enjoy this cider. It had chunks and was still and bitter and yuck.
We all drove out to Melba Gully at night to see the glow worms. It was amazing!! There were way more glow worms there than at Lake Elizabeth. They are magical.
Plus the sky that night was one of the clearest night skies I’ve seen in my life. There was zero clouds, zero moon, and zero light pollution. AMAZING! We saw shooting stars after looking up for like 3 minutes because you could just see EVERYTHING. You could see the milky way, which I thought was amazing (although when I was talking to my astrophotographer friend back in Melbourne later he said I couldn’t even really see the milky way at this time of the year at that time. I was like DUDE WHAT WAS I LOOKING AT THEN. He said just the edge. I think the full milky way experience would make my brain explode.)
Adding glow worms to sea dragons on our next Oz travel adventure list! This trip sounded amazing.
they’re cool! we still have to do the whole Great Ocean Road thing with you guys next time