Every Ottawaian (sp?) knows that Canada Day in Ottawa is the best. I planned our trip so that we could spend Canada Day there! And this years’ party did not disappoint. I had a top notch day.

We started off the day with Rosemarie, busing downtown and going to the Museum of Nature to look at bugs and freak animals. After that we went to the hill to see the crowds.

Her and I scarfed down a poutine surrounded by people all crowded around trying to get a glimpse of Will and Kate. We didn’t see anything really, only on the video screen.
Then she went off to meet her friends and Scott and I went to a party at Leslie’s for beer, Canadian music and patriotic snacks.

After a few hours of that we headed back to Parliament Hill to stake out a spot for the evening concert. We met up with way more people and had quite a large group. I thought the concert was actually better than usual. I had actually heard of some of the bands (ha) and even heard a new guy that I really like (Dan Mangan). There were acrobatics and drumming too.

Scott and I snuck out about 20 minutes early to race around to Major’s Hill Park where we grabbed a nutritious dinner (a popsicle) and watched an unobstructed view of the fireworks. Noice.
It took us ages to get home due to some unusual bus patterns but we made it home (reunited with Rosemarie) where we scrubbed off the sweaty filth of the day and ate a midnight snack of two kinds of cheese and two kinds of crackers. Awesome.
Ummm then the next day (the last day), we did some frantic packing and a quick coffee with the scrapbook ladies and then Jill drove us to the airport. Our flight back was uneventful.
hi katrina scott congratilations on your first wedding anaversy we are comihg up for 40 years goes quicker every year we are all we have the boat out of the water for matenance also took the moter outand brad put new rings ect in it goes better now have not done to good in races this year but it is good gust sailing i hope scott gets a job soon maybe you should get a part time job in a vegy market like vic market and you could get your vegies cheaper we read your blog from time to time and it is interisting to see how you and scott are going john & muriel
thanks guys. wow 40 years!!
i haven’t been doing much sailing either. i just didn’t get down there early enough and now the season is well underway.
scott did get a job, he starts next week, woohoo! it’s the same sort of work as the last job, but he doesn’t know all the details yet.
i miss the vic market soooooo much!! those veggies were the BEST.