Merry Christmas! (If that’s your thing.)
It is neither snowy, or hot, so Christmas feels weird to both of us. I heard it snowed in Ottawa, and it HAILED in Melbourne, so sounds like both our families had a white Christmas!! Funny!!
Scott made me a nice breakfast and we opened our stockings and presents. I got a new board game called Wasabe!! You make sushi! I also got some weights and a sriracha t-shirt. Coooooool. Scott got a new wallet and some belts and pyjama pants. We also each ordered some more clothes today from boxing day sales. I ordered a coat and Scott ordered a Bill Murray t-shirt.
Christmas is very spread out this year. I’ll be heading to Ottawa in a couple of days, and Scott has to wait until after I get back on Jan. 5th to get his Secret Santa gift.
We had a good video chat with all of Scott’s family yesterday. Everyone always gathers at his parents house so we got to talk with a whole lot of people. I think Scott is pretty excited to see them all in February.
Well anyway, hope you’re having a nice day too!