The other night we were having veggie burgers for dinner (the Costco ones are SOOO GOOD!!, even for non-vegetarians) but around 5:00 PM Scott realized we had no buns. Instead of going back out to buy some, he decided it would be easier to just make them from scratch! I’m not sure I quite follow his logic, but he likes making bread, and they turned out quite nice.
Yesterday was a big day.
1. I found out that I am going to be doing my summer placement at Vancouver General Hospital. VGH was my second choice, so this is pretty good news. It’s not too hard to get there from our house, it has the latest early start, and it’s a big busy hospital where I should get to see a lot of variety. I’m pleased.
2. Almost all of my classmates went out for a sushi lunch after school. We went to Sushi Garden, near Lougheed Mall. I had an Alaska roll, a yam roll, and a tuna roll. The Alaska roll was very delicious (it is apparently their speciality) and the other two were fine, but not great. It was cheap though and overall seemed like a good place. I’ve been told there is another one right near our house, so maybe I will try it out again sometime.
3. Scott and I went to the Aussie pub last night to go watch some footy. It’s the very first round of the season and Melbourne (my team) was playing Brisbane (Scott’s team) so of course we wanted to see the game. Unfortunately my Demons got beat pretty bad.
4. I bought my new camera!! I got the Canon SX260 HS. I haven’t used it too much yet but so far it seems very nice and fast and smart. I am looking forward to using it in the future. Now I need to go somewhere where I want to take a lot of pictures! This probably means leaving the apartment…
Well that’s pretty much all the fun stuff I have to say at the moment. I have A LOT of school work to do this weekend so I’ll just be here at my desk for the majority of today and tomorrow. Bummer.