Sonika ran a board game fundraiser where they had a gigantic library of games to play at a pub, and they did a massive raffle with tons of great prizes. Our friend Sally got her ticket pulled first and she got a brand new copy of Wyrmspan. We didn’t get picked until quite close to the end but still got a cute looking game called Scribbly Gum, which I just realised we still haven’t actually played. We played Pollen and Potion Explosion with Sally which was lovely, before heading off to the MCG to watch Melbourne v Geelong. We sat right behind the goals and it was a very fun game.

Remember that weekend where everyone in in the whole world saw the aurora? I’d already gone to bed but was getting massive FOMO from everyone’s pictures on Instagram. Good thing Scott is always up for anything including getting bundled up and going for a drive in the middle of the night. It didn’t really look like anything in real life where we were though. I only happened to see on my camera screen that something was changing and took a few pictures that caught that pink smudge before it disappeared again.
We bought a cabinet thing for the kitchen off FB Marketplace which ended up taking up a whole day and tons of gas because of (my) stupid errors. Also the guy thought that Scott was my dad HAHAHAHA. The cabinet is good though.
OK here is a bunch of knitting that I finished:

Petricor sweater. I really like stranded colourwork! It keeps things interesting, plus it forced me to learn how to knit continental style, which I actually like better now. There are some tension issues… oh well.

Giant Musselburgh hat for Scott. Turned out pretty good. I think I’m over variegated yarn though. It never works out the way I think it will.

The pompom I ordered off aliexpress arrived so I was finally able to finish the vaguely Melbourne Demons hat I started ages ago. Fluffy!

Scott made these. Bluey and Bingo, just like me and Rosemarie. :)
Unpictured Stuff:
- Nothing too exciting… went to the movies (The Fall Guy… action… not my thing), Mothers Day lunch, trivia…
- I brought half of Phoenix to pickleball and then we went out for hotpot afterwards. A great evening other than I fell over and twisted my ankle medium bad.
- May #SMAJ was something different… Scott got us a wooden model perpetual motion ball run thingy to put together. Which resulted in moderate bickering and then me doing most of it by myself. It is pretty cool though.
- I went to Christmas Island! Obv this is going to require its own posts.