Yesterday after school I went skating with some of my classmates. Aside from missing our bus stop and having to walk in the rain it was a very fun afternoon. I like hanging out with my classmates. I had a lot of fun skating fast laps.

Scott and I went out to Broadway Station sushi for dinner last night. We hadn’t had any sushi so far this year, and it was Scott’s first time eating sushi with fish in it since becoming an omnivore again. I had the avocado combo (avocado roll, salmon and avocado roll, tuna and avocado roll) and Scott had the sushi special (tuna roll, yam roll, california roll). Om nom nom.
Rosemarie met up with us at the restaurant and we came back to our place to play Settlers and Agricola. I finally won Agricola after a very long losing streak. Woohoo.
Today we went to Ikea to look at beds and couches. All we bought was a new whisk (our old one is rusty!) and some jars. Then we took the bus over to Costco. Aghghghghghhhhhhh Costco in Richmond is horrible. It was SO SO SO SOOOOOOOO CROWDED. We went in with intentions of buying more salsa and a few other things, but it was so uncomfortable being in there that we just did a quick lap of the store for a few samples and then left. Gah.
I am pooped now from those errands. An evening of Top Chef and movies awaits me.