Yesterday after school I went skating with some of my classmates. Aside from missing our bus stop and having to walk in the rain it was a very fun afternoon. I like hanging out with my classmates. I had a lot of fun skating fast laps.

Scott and I went out to Broadway Station sushi for dinner last night. We hadn’t had any sushi so far this year, and it was Scott’s first time eating sushi with fish in it since becoming an omnivore again. I had the avocado combo (avocado roll, salmon and avocado roll, tuna and avocado roll) and Scott had the sushi special (tuna roll, yam roll, california roll). Om nom nom.

Rosemarie met up with us at the restaurant and we came back to our place to play Settlers and Agricola. I finally won Agricola after a very long losing streak. Woohoo.

Today we went to Ikea to look at beds and couches. All we bought was a new whisk (our old one is rusty!) and some jars. Then we took the bus over to Costco. Aghghghghghhhhhhh Costco in Richmond is horrible. It was SO SO SO SOOOOOOOO CROWDED. We went in with intentions of buying more salsa and a few other things, but it was so uncomfortable being in there that we just did a quick lap of the store for a few samples and then left. Gah.

I am pooped now from those errands. An evening of Top Chef and movies awaits me.


This morning I woke up to an email that said that the other dude that replied before me would go bobsledding with another person, and that I would go bobsledding with the original girl. Of course I was happy to read that and got really excited again.

I get to school, tell all my friends, and we postponed our class skating trip that we were planning on doing after school tomorrow. Then an hour later I check my email again and turns out the girl actually had someone all along. :((

As of 6:35 PM, I am not going bobsledding. We unpostponed (preponed?) the skating trip. Who knows what is going to happen though, everything is seriously up in the air still.

Skeleton and bobsledding is a ROLLER COASTER OF EMOTIONS.

ON THE PLUS SIDE: last nights dinner was extremely tasty!!

Pulled pork sandwiches and Greek salad. I cooked the pork shoulder with onions and a cup of ginger ale for 9 hours on low, then drained off all the fat and shredded the pork. Then I mixed in the BBQ sauce (Kraft Garlic BBQ Sauce) and cooked it for another 4 hours on low. It was suuuuuper tender.

Mmmmm. I thought the sandwiches needed vegetables but we didn’t have cabbage so I decided to just put a few cucumber slices. I had a slice of cheese on mine. The salad had spinach, tomato, cucumber, black olives and feta. No dressing was necessary.

Last night was funnnnnn.

Scott got free tickets to see the Vancouver Giants (Western Hockey League). I invited my friend Lesley from class and we were having lots of fun just watching the game from our regular seats. Then in the first intermission a dude from Scott’s work came over and said we could go sit in the VIP area! I thought we would be there with some other people but NOPE. It was just the three of us in this big area with a whole bunch of comfy couches and chairs, and a huge bowl of popcorn and chips, and water and Coke in the fridge. WOOOOOOO!

Mmmm free popcorn.

Also Scott did some commentary. (Not really.)

Ewww they put us on the jumbotron and it was embarrassing. Scott was on his phone, Lesley was drinking her water, and I was busy stuffing my face with popcorn.

The Giants lost, but we had really a lot of fun.

My feet are so sore.

My 2012 resolution was to walk to school more often, and so far I’m doing really well (3 for 3!), but my feet are so sore I might have to take the bus tomorrow.

Dang you sparkly shoes! I wore these on Monday and got a big blister on my toe. And it rubbed the back of my ankles a bit too, because they are so stiff and new. Tuesday I wore my old sneakers but they rubbed my toe too and they are worn out on the inner sides. Today I said “I DON’T CARE IF I LOOK LIKE JERRY SEINFELD” and wore my (white) running shoes with jeans. They felt good on my toe, but rubbed my irritated back of ankle. :((((

I LIKE walking to school! It takes 35 minutes, which is only about 5 minutes longer than if I took the bus because I have to line up at the stop early. I can listen to the CBC and hear about news and stuff, and I get my 30 minutes of daily activity done first thing in the morning. (PS that video is pretty cool.) I don’t want to take the bus!

Any advice about how to fix my feet? I’ve already got three bandaids on!!

We went trampolining while in Ottawa. The girl who was checking us in asked if we had ever been there before. We said “YEAH!!………. in 1999”. Jeeze it has been a long time since grade 9. I remember all those afternoons busing downtown, picking up a taco at Taco Bell or a samosa from the market, and then doing our hour of trampoline lessons with Sean.

Sean wasn’t there this time. Also trampolining was a lot more tiring than before!! We still did alright though, cautiously trying our old tricks.

Super Strong Sarah Swan

I bounce so high.

Hehe this is a funny picture of Helenka.

Leslie has good form.

Show off David. I’m just kidding, I made him do these flips so I could take a picture.