Updates on a Lazy Sunday

I GOT A JOB!! I have been hired as a casual at the hospital I went to in my first summer, and I start tomorrow. I am so so happy and excited and also petrified. When you’re a student you can make mistakes all the time because there is someone watching you and helping out. Now if I make a mistake it’s all on me! But I am very happy because the team at the hospital is great. I feel so lucky that they picked me. :)

I will apparently get a bunch of shifts this month to get re-trained, and then it will die down a bit after that. I have no idea how much work I will get… it could be anywhere from 0 to 40 hours a week. So for now I am still going to work a few nights at the data centre. If(/when) I get hired at a another hospital I should be able to quit the data centre.

Hey we also have a new niece!! This is very very recent news, I don’t even know what the name is yet or anything!

Scott’s brother Brett arrived the other day. In the first few days of his visit we: set off fireworks, went to a CFL game, ate poutine, shopped, watched hockey on the projector Scott borrowed from work, played Munchkin and Settlers, and more. Right now him and Scott are in Seattle going to an NFL game. And on Tuesday they’re going to a Vancouver Giants game, where they have rinkside seats for about 1/10 of the price of a Vancouver Canucks nosebleed section seat. That should be fun. I would’ve gone too except I will be at my second job. :/

I had fun watching skeleton with Brian the other week. The race had less effect on who gets to compete in the World Cup as I thought it did though. Some people were already qualified from last year. Cassie Hawrysh did awesome, but Jon Montgomery and Melissa Hollingsworth didn’t do as well. A person crashed, unexpected people did great, and two ladies tied for first and had to share a medal. I am looking forward to the upcoming season even more now!!

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