It’s pretty unfortunate that I don’t have internet access this particular weekend because it’s the food convention weekend. I have a press pass and should really be showing you lots of drool-worthy photos of food and drink to convince you to go if you are in Vancouver. instead I’m blogging from my phone with no pictures.
You’re just going to have to trust me and get your butt to BC Place tomorrow or Sunday because when I DO show you what we ate you are going to wish you were there. The tickets are $14 if you buy them online and are well worth it because there are enough free samples to stuff you. Plus extra things from Vancouver restaurants and breweries and wineries to buy if you want.
Lauren and I went today and had a great time. Some of the best things i ate were coconut milk ice cream, maple spread, sabra guacamole, and strawberry lemonade. Scott and I will go again tomorrow morning. See you there! I will post pics as soon as I can next week.