You will see a lot of cabbage, salad, and burgers in this collection. In lots of different formats though! When I meal plan I like to try and use similar ingredients in a bunch of different meals so nothing gets wasted. We actually succeeded in using up a whole head of cabbage, and all our vegetables and leftovers… which I think is great.
Favourite recipe #10: slow cooker ribs, they were super easy, tender, and delicious

may 5th, 2013 – crockpot chalupas with pico de gallo

may 6th, 2013 – sweet, tart, and spicy shrimp and cucumber salad
This was from the Epicurious Cookbook I borrowed from the library. Excellent cookbook and excellent recipe!

may 7th, 2013 – fish burrito
More after the jump…

may 8th, 2013 – red curry beef

may 9th, 2013 – vegetarian chilli

may 10th, 2013 – perogies and guacamole
Scott was out this day so I was fending for myself. I texted Scott and Rosemarie asking if guacamole counts as a vegetable. They both responded “yes” so this meal is ok.

may 11th, 2013 – leftover vegetarian chilli with avocado

may 12th, 2013 – homemade hamburger and salad
I forgot to take a picture of May 13th. We had cabbage salad with sausage.

may 14th, 2013 – homemade veggie burger and salad
May 15th I didn’t have dinner because I spent the whole afternoon snacking at our class party. :D

may 16th, 2013 – chicken sandwich and yam fries
We were going to eat this on the last hamburger buns from the pack, but they were moldy. Luckily we had some of Scott’s homemade bread in the freezer.

may 17th, 2013 – slow cooker ribs and coleslaw

may 18th, 2013 – southwestern egg rolls and salad