Going to Whistler this weekend with:

  • Rosemarie
  • Wits and Wagers Brian
  • D Hab
  • Agricola Rob
  • Dylan #3

Such an odd group. Rosemarie is THE NUCLEUS because she is the only one who has met everyone else.

So funny that the two of us ended up doing most of the planning of the SFU SKELETON WEEKEND when 1. I do not go to SFU and 2. Rosemarie is not even in the club and is not going skeleton-ing.

Anyway things are finally falling into place. My stress levels are dropping and my iksidid levels are rising (exponentially).

Now back to homework, so that I can get back to camera shopping later. Speaking of that, if you have any opinion whatsoever on CANON REBEL T3 versus NIKON D3100 pleassssseee let me know. Now.

Quick post before I attempt to go to sleep.

Got two midterms back at school today. Great results, I’m very happy with these marks.

Tonight was hectic. A lot of cramming for tomorrow’s radiation safety midterm. I was supposed to go to a friends house for dinner tonight but we postponed because neither of us had studied yet. Irresponsibly I still went out for a quick sushi dinner with Rosemarie and David, where we ate some delicious sushi and planned a bunch of stuff for this coming Epic Whistler Weekend.


I come home and find out that the other guys cabin was actually booked up. Panic! Rosemarie and David had to do some brainstorming and calling and coordinating plans with ~6 people with different preferences and budgets. This involved calling the hostel, texting my friend, emailing with people I didn’t even know, texting the club coordinator who is MIA, texting Quinny who works at Whistler this year etc etc. We booked as many hostel beds as we could but a couple of us are going to have to camp/crash on Quinny’s floor.

In the end Rosemarie did a great job of figuring things out and mass emailing, and probably if I wasn’t so behind on studying for this midterm I wouldn’t be stressed out. I need to do some relaxation exercises.

Tomorrow should be a lot calmer.

I haven’t been able to chat with Scott all day because he has still been flying all day. What a long trip. I got a couple emails from him overnight from his stopover in Hong Kong, but that’s it so far.

I was pretty productive today. I did a bunch of errands at Metrotown in the morning and bought enough groceries for the whole week. I planned out meals that will be quick for me to make during the week. Then I finished up three assignments for school. I cooked myself chicken enchiladas for dinner and did all the dishes. The apartment is clean and I’m kinda loving all the space.

Rest of tonight: trash TV/mini cheesecake/shower/radiation safety

Day 1 of solitude hasn’t been so bad.

Scott actually didn’t have to leave until around 11 AM so we had a lazy morning together. We ate sushi leftovers and played NHL 12 on the Playstation. I got the game for a present for Scott through some special connections at school. I knew he wanted it and the price was right so I got it. Actually it was pretty fun playing it against each other this morning, but maybe only because we were both equally bad at it. Once he gets good I probably won’t want to play any. But anyway, the commentators were funny and the graphics are pretty cool. And I (Sens) beat him (Canucks) 2-1. YEAH.

Yesterday was lots of fun. My aunt and uncle came over for dinner. Rosemarie and Scott did most of the cooking, which was nice. Rosemarie made pork dumplings, and I chopped up the vegetables and fish for sushi. Scott made white chocolate raspberry mini cheesecakes. Then Rosemarie rolled all the sushi and then I dropped it on the floor. We ate it anyway. Take a look at our feast!

We had lots of leftovers. Fine by me!!

After dinner we played two games of Settlers. I love Settlers. What a great game. I wish we were rich so I could buy THIS. Only $489.95! (and that one doesn’t even come with a trunk. yeesh)

Anyway I finished two lab reports today, which is good. I’ve still got three assignments and studying to do tomorrow. And grocery shopping. Blech.

I hope I sleep better tonight, I’ve had two very bad insomnia nights in a row. :(

BLaghghhHhhh this week has been rough. Three midterms! I still have one tomorrow at 8:15 AM (BARF) but I’ve finished up my cheat sheet and just can’t make myself do any more reviewing tonight. Today I had 2 hours of anatomy, a chemistry midterm, then 1 hr of chemistry lecture that actually felt like 8 hours, then a hospital visit in North Vancouver, then home to study, so now that my sheet is done I just want to veg out.

This week’s midterms went well. Better than last week. Especially radiopharmaceuticals. I am pleased.

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it, but Scott leaves for his trip to Melbourne this Saturday! He’ll be gone for a week and a half. I’m kinda looking forward to KATRINA WEEK, but not looking forward to being all alone-y and having to do chores. Pfft HOUSEWORK. I am glad that Scott gets to see his family and friends though, since we’ve been here a year and a half now without a visit. I hope he has an awesome time, and I’ve put in a request for some white chocolate Tim Tams when he gets back.

Today’s hospital visit was good. They do a lot of brain scans at that hospital, which is pretty cool. It’s kind of far from here though since I’d have to take public transit. I don’t think I’m going to put it for any of my choices for this coming summer placement. But we have placements all through second year, and of course the second summer, so hopefully I will end up working there at some point for a bit.

Can’t wait for school to be over tomorrow. My aunt and uncle are coming over and Rosemarie, Scott and I are cooking up a nice meal for them. We all finish our school/work/meetings in the early afternoon so that means LOTS OF SISTER TIME and hopefully some games! Yayyyyyy. Then I have 8 million things to do over the weekend, but lets deal with that later.