My mind is a bit jumbly so I think I’ll just do point form today.

++++++++++++ I got a raise at work!!!

++++++++++++++++++ I got a uni interview at SAIT in Calgary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— they only gave me a week notice! It’s next Wednesday!
+ I still managed to get cheapish flights
+ my boss didn’t seem to mind giving me the day off

That email had perfect timing. I had come from work all anxious and stressed and feeling like a failure because sometimes I feel like I screw everything up in life and then I saw the ‘Congratulations!’ in my inbox. I’ve been really worried lately that I wasn’t even getting considered anywhere and now I feel a bit more optimistic about that, which is good.

++ playing Settlers with new friends was fun. I hope they invite us over again (HINT HINT haha) and I’ll bring baked goods and we can try the expansion pack.
+ we also bought our 4th Groupon this week for a games store so we can buy our own set for cheap.

++ we finally gave Agricola a try and it’s fun. After playing it three times neither of us have any idea how to actually win (even though I won twice and and tied once). It’s not as complex as we thought though and both of us like it.

—- As I mentioned before I am off dairy this week to see if I am lactose intolerant. This makes me very sad. I thought breakfast was going to be difficult but actually I quite enjoyed my english muffin with hummus, and my egg wraps with salsa and avocado. I just learned this week that you can cook ‘scrambled’ eggs in the microwave in 60 seconds. Yes they are kind of spongy, but if I’m mixing them with something else it’s ok.

Dessert is difficult though! Rosemarie is coming over tomorrow and I am in charge of dessert. Brownies (cocoa, egg, oil, water etc.) seems like it could work, but I may have to make them from scratch. And other than that I’ve got no ideas except jello. Doesn’t help that I don’t like coconut or cooked fruit.