Day 1 of solitude hasn’t been so bad.

Scott actually didn’t have to leave until around 11 AM so we had a lazy morning together. We ate sushi leftovers and played NHL 12 on the Playstation. I got the game for a present for Scott through some special connections at school. I knew he wanted it and the price was right so I got it. Actually it was pretty fun playing it against each other this morning, but maybe only because we were both equally bad at it. Once he gets good I probably won’t want to play any. But anyway, the commentators were funny and the graphics are pretty cool. And I (Sens) beat him (Canucks) 2-1. YEAH.

Yesterday was lots of fun. My aunt and uncle came over for dinner. Rosemarie and Scott did most of the cooking, which was nice. Rosemarie made pork dumplings, and I chopped up the vegetables and fish for sushi. Scott made white chocolate raspberry mini cheesecakes. Then Rosemarie rolled all the sushi and then I dropped it on the floor. We ate it anyway. Take a look at our feast!

We had lots of leftovers. Fine by me!!

After dinner we played two games of Settlers. I love Settlers. What a great game. I wish we were rich so I could buy THIS. Only $489.95! (and that one doesn’t even come with a trunk. yeesh)

Anyway I finished two lab reports today, which is good. I’ve still got three assignments and studying to do tomorrow. And grocery shopping. Blech.

I hope I sleep better tonight, I’ve had two very bad insomnia nights in a row. :(

Oops at not posting very much this week. I’ve been really busy with school. Midterms have started. I had anatomy yesterday, and physics today. ONLY 21 more midterms to go. :/


We have been doing some fun things too though. Yesterday afternoon I had my first hospital visit. Gillian, Lesley and I went to tour the outpatient nuclear medicine unit in Surrey. They split the three of us up and we each followed a technologist who was doing their regular work. I saw a few bone scans and heart scans, and a couple others. I got to ask lots of questions, listen to all the things the technologists say to the patients, and see how they position the patients and the cameras and things. It was really neat. I even had to call in the next patient and ask them to use the bathroom and help them get out after the scan was done.

That department is soooooooooo nice. Everything is brand new and clean and fast. They can do a CT scan in 13 seconds! I would consider doing one of my clinical placements there just because it is so modern and nice there, and all the people were really friendly and treated us students well.


Then today in nursing class we learned about vitals. We learned how to take blood pressure the old fashioned way! I did not get it all the first time: I opened the valve too fast so the cuff deflated really fast, and all I could hear in the stethoscope was my fingers moving around. But then the second time I heard what I was supposed to hear. I’d say I was within ±10. More practice needed next week.

My blood pressure was quite low, but my heart was beating fast. I think I was a bit stressed out again about the morning’s midterm. Plus a little more exercise probably wouldn’t hurt.

So happy that it’s the weekend. Unfortunately I have three difficult midterms next week so I’m probably going to spend the whole weekend studying. It would be nice to get out to try a hot chocolate from the Hot Chocolate Festival before it ends though! I have my eye on a salted caramel hot chocolate, or a  hazelnut hot chocolate (hopefully Scott will also want to try one of those so I can taste both) from Thomas Haas, but it’s all the way in Kitsilano so we’ll see.

Oh my. Our house smells sooooooo good right now. Scott made blueberry muffins and despite me not liking cooked fruit, I am drooling all over the place.

We also had a lovely dinner. Banh mi and some excellent homemade fries on the side. Nice work Scott!!

Yesterday revolved around dips. Scott made jalapeno cheddar hummus, I made guacamole, and spinach and artichoke dip, and Rosemarie made 7 layer dip. We ate everything with baby carrots, corn chips, and crusty bread. We also had some spicy wings. All while watching the Superbowl playing boardgames and having a few drinks with the Superbowl on in the background.

The hummus was nice!! I wouldn’t make it for an every day snack, but it was a nice change from regular hummus. I never would have thought of putting cheese in hummus, but it was goooood.

Unfortunately we took no pictures of the food. Blogger fail.

I went from having very little school work to A WHOLE LOT of school work very suddenly. Five midterms in the very near future, including three in a row. AHHH. A lot of assignments. So… I think I’m fully back to school life.

If you haven’t seen it already, Scott posted his February post on his blog!

Out of all the holidays that food blogs “celebrate” (ie. EVERYTHING PUMPKIN IN OCTOBER/NOVEMBER, or ALL peppermint Christmas desserts, or Chinese food OVERLOAD for Chinese New Year) I actually really enjoy the pre-Superbowl season. I LOVE party food, the grosser the better. Bring on the liquid cheese.

Scott is definitely watching the Superbowl this weekend but it is unclear whether I will have time or not to watch sit on the couch with my laptop. I may just have to whip up a dish of jalapeno popper dip, a bowl of guacamummus (guacamole + hummus), and a pot of queso blanco liquid cheese ANYWAY.

Check out these super beautiful quilts that my Auntie Hsi made for Scott and I as a wedding gift. They are so pretty!

A few months ago my aunt sent us a couple dozen fabric swatches in our favourite colours (me purple, Scott green) and we got to pick out our favourites and send the results back in a picture. Then a few months later these were ready! Rosemarie picked them up when she went to Toronto over the holidays and brought them back to Vancouver for us.

This is my quilt. Night.

And this one is Scott’s. Day.

They are lovely.

Every family should have a quilt and now we are lucky to have two super nice custom ones handmade with love from my aunt. I like thinking about how we will have them forever. I keep looking at mine and smiling. SO COOL.