This is definitely not my best daily dinners posts. The last two weeks have been really really hectic and busy with moving and starting summer clinical. All my normal routines were disturbed!! So I missed a few photos here and there.

may 19th, 2013 – rotato (and other Summer Night Market treats, blog post to come soon)

I have no clue what I had for dinner on May 20th. Fail.

may 21st, 2013 – toasted submarine sandwich

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We finally have internet so I can blog again!

We’ve been REALLY busy for the last week and a half, which was a good thing because I don’t think I could survive without internet for so long if I didn’t have so much stuff to do.

Since the end of school we moved out of our old apartment and into our new place. We cleaned the old place. Went to the food convention twice. Went to Lesley’s house. Visited with Lauren. Went out for drinks. Got my hair cut. Water marbled my nails. Started my summer clinical placement.

Just this weekend I prepared and cooked a porchetta and finally unpacked the last of all our boxes. Lesley is coming over in a bit for patio drinks and Ticket To Ride. I still need to study a bit for knowledge testing tomorrow.

Sooo… lots of blog posts to come! Here are some of the pictures that didn’t fit into any of my other posts…

me on the patio the day we got our keys

when we first got everything moved into our new apartment

at church’s chicken for the first time

sunset view from the balcony

patio laptop and whiskeys

look what Scott found while cleaning the fridge at the old house!!! best surprise ever!!

I’m going to take some apartment pictures RIGHT NOW. :)

I have to leave in a few minutes to meet Scott at the U-Haul depot but thought I’d squeeze in a quick post.

I am currently surrounded by a sea of boxes. Had no idea we had this much stuff!! Luckily our local IGA was able to give us tons and tons of nice sturdy apple boxes so I’m not too worried about fitting it in the truck. Each box has a lid and almost all of them are the same size. Luxury!

We also rented a wheel-y cart so hopefully that helps as well. I’m a bit stronger than I was when we moved in, but we’ll see how I do today.

Speaking of strong, on Tuesday I met up with my two skeleton friends and we did a skeleton training session together. Chris taught us how to do bench press, front squats, dead lifts, and power clean. We also did some core. He is a tough coach, made us do 3 minutes of planks!! I totally can’t do that yet. Also power cleans were hard. Will take a few more sessions before I get the hang of them, I think.

It is awesome that I have this friend who can teach me this stuff because I find it really intimidating to try out new things at the gym on my own. So far I’ve just been sticking to dumbbell exercises that I can learn from my library book. Chris is helping me break in to barbells!

Anyway our plan for the day is: pick up U-Haul, swing by North Vancouver to buy a patio set from Craigslist, move out of Burnaby, into Vancouver, return the truck, and have Church’s Chicken for dinner! Full day.

We won’t have internet until some time next week so I might be a bit absent through the weekend. Adios amigos!

You will see a lot of cabbage, salad, and burgers in this collection. In lots of different formats though! When I meal plan I like to try and use similar ingredients in a bunch of different meals so nothing gets wasted. We actually succeeded in using up a whole head of cabbage, and all our vegetables and leftovers… which I think is great.

Favourite recipe #10: slow cooker ribs, they were super easy, tender, and delicious

may 5th, 2013 – crockpot chalupas with pico de gallo

may 6th, 2013 – sweet, tart, and spicy shrimp and cucumber salad

This was from the Epicurious Cookbook I borrowed from the library. Excellent cookbook and excellent recipe!

may 7th, 2013 – fish burrito

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