I have a new recipe for you and it is REALLY SUPER SIMPLE. And REALLY SUPER TASTY.

Handy homemade popsicle tip: fill your popsicle tray up with water and then pour it into a measuring cup so you know exactly what volume of popsicle mixture to make up. Then write the number on the side so you don’t forget in the future!!

Mine is a cheapy popsicle mold from Superstore and it works just fine. I think it cost $2. And it holds a teeny bit over 2 cups of liquid.

Nutella fudgsicles

  • Mix 2 cups of chocolate milk and a few nice big tablespoons of Nutella in a big measuring cup/bowl/whatever. Whisk until the Nutella dissolves (I swear it will!). Pour into popsicle mold and freeze!

I made them last night and had my first one today after the gym. IT WAS AWESOME.

I find it pretty funny that our very responsible dinner of waffles is now front and centre on this blog post. I can’t get away with anything when I’m posting my dinners every day for an entire year, haha! There were some nice healthy recipes towards the end of the fortnight though.

Favourite recipe #9: artichoke and asparagus quinoa with feta and chickpeas

PS I’ve also included a bonus recipe link for zucchini brownies about half way through this post.

april 21st, 2013 – belgian waffle with strawberries and frozen yogurt

Pfft. Who needs dinner. We ate waffles for dinner because we are ADULTS. Not.

april 22nd, 2013 – fish salad with a tortilla on the side

This was supposed to be in a burrito, but the tortillas were all mangled and ripped so we had to eat the components separately. It was a bit of a sad dinner, but the panko breaded fish was nice! (I had another piece of fish underneath the cheese, btw).

april 23rd, 2013 – peri peri chicken with sweet potato fries, peas and corn

More pictures after the jump…

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Scott and I had a very fun and funny Saturday night last weekend. Thanks to Janine we had VIP tickets for the Canadian Videogame Awards. We also went to the awards last year but this year was way better because Janine was actually able to come! (She works in Toronto).

Scott and I took a quick look around the FanExpo and then awkwardly waited on the red carpet for a good time to go past the photographers into the awards reception area. There was a guy with a whiteboard who was announcing who everyone was by holding up a sign. I wanted to tell him to write Tetris but I am too shy. Eventually we found out we could go behind the media area and then finally we were in.

my red carpet experience

The reception was good, they had hors d’ouevres and wine for us like last year. No free t-shirts for Scott though, haha. We met up with two more of Janine’s friends and got a nice central table for the awards show.

not sure why scott is being so shy

kate, janine & me

a dude from Battlestar Galatica giving out an award

The awards were pretty interesting. It’s neat to see all these Canadian made games. We actually have a pretty good presence in the videogame industry.

I think I asked Scott 50 times if he played about 5 different games. I kept forgetting which is which since they all seem to end in “3” or “2”. Far Cry 3 and Mass Effect 3 won everything, pretty much.

elias toufexis, david hayter, commander shepard (he and she)

the rocketeer

A lot of the same people as last year were there. Like The Rocketeer and Snake.

me and my awards

Janine had about 1000 drink tickets so things started to get pretty silly from this point forward. That’s me with some awards I stole off the Ubisoft Montreal table. :D Kidding, I asked.

elias toufexis & scott

scott with the shepard’s (nice face dude)

scott comparing his shoes to aaron douglas’s shoes

scott and chief galen tyrol from battlestar galatica

It was funny, Aaron Douglas REALLY liked Scott’s shoes and offered me $100 to make a Batman pair for his wife. We ended up spending the whole rest of the night partying with him and his (real life) wife. They are both very nice. We are now BFFs.

I drank about 900 glasses of wine and we stayed out pretty late. And then Scott ran the Sun Run the next morning!!! I didn’t even wake up until he had already raced!!! He ended up doing super well anyway and even got a new PB. I am proud of him.

It was a pretty good collection of food this time except for a few little slips. Ah well.

I don’t have many recipes linked for you this time because we either didn’t use a recipe or it was from a cook book I got from the library. The book is called High Flavor Low Labor and seems to have some interesting recipes. I was really intrigued with the idea of eating meat and veg with hummus instead of a starch, I would have never come up with that on my own. I love getting cook books from the library because you don’t have to pay a cent!!

Favourite recipe #8: Budget Bytes tuna casserole with olives. It was just so creamy and comforting. I loved the addition of kalamata olives!

april 7th, 2013 – kokoda

This turned out fabulous, if I do say so myself.

april 8th, 2013 – black bean and sweet potato burrito

april 9th, 2013 – sushi special and miso

(No I cannot eat all of that at once. Sushi for breakfast!)

More after the jump…

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TADA! Here is the long awaited DOUBLE daily dinners post: Los Angeles and Fiji edition. Thanks for waiting! I hope you enjoy this post, there’s lots of new stuff and I chatted a bit.

Favourite Recipe #6: kokoda, duhhhh. I will try and make it this week I think.

Favourite Recipe #7: rorou. I doubt I would be able to make this at home though! Rose should try it at her apartment. :)

march 8th, 2013 – breakfast buffet (at Ayres Hotel in El Segundo, California)

This is actually a lie. We had popcorn for dinner at the basketball game but I didn’t want to show you a picture of that (again) so I took a picture of my breakfast at the hotel the next morning.

march 9th, 2013 – tree hugger sandwich for me and seafood skewers and broccoli for scott (at Sloopy’s Beach Cafe in Manhattan Beach, California)

march 10th, 2013 – in-n-out animal style burgers and fries and pink lemonade (near LAX, California)

(LOTS) more pictures after the jump…

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