Check out that delicious looking pizza.

I tried out a new dough recipe yesterday, and it turned out really well. I wish I made the pizza bigger, or made two pizzas, because the crust was way thicker than I like. It was still amazingly soft and nice though.

I made it about 75% whole wheat. I also did pilates three days in a row so far. I think I’m turning into my mom!!!!!!!!

Our friend Rob helped Rosemarie move all her stuff over here yesterday. We invited him to stay for pizza and to play Agricola. He is the first outsider that we attempted to teach this game and it went really well. It helped that he actually watched the whole half hour video about the game on Youtube.

Yay for four player Agricola for the first time!! It was interesting. I came in last place. I have no idea what went wrong.

Last night was Scott’s work Christmas party. The speeches were boring. We had to pay for our own drinks! The food was yummy. I ate a whole bunch of seafood.

After the dinner they had casino tables for us to play with fake money. That was fun, except for the rude guy at the craps table who was taking the whole thing WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. It’s fake money dude, what’s your problem!!?! Scott and I won big at roulette.

My dress has stars on it.

Did I post about this meal yet? I think I forgot.

I made this healthier malai kofta a while ago and it was really yummy. It’s basically balls made of paneer (Indian cheese) and shredded potato, plus some spices, in a creamy tomato sauce. We ate it over rice, which you can’t see in the picture. Usually you would deep fry the balls, but for this recipe you just bake them. They crisped up nice in the oven and were really really tasty. I didn’t put raisins in because I don’t like raisins that much. I ended up just mixing the cashews right in with the other ingredients because it was too hard to seal them in the inside of the balls. The sauce was really nice, probably thanks to the evaporated milk. As usual, I only added the spices I already had.

A+, would cook again!!

The party yesterday was a big success. Everyone from my class came except one guy. I had lots of fun! We talked and laughed and ate and played some drinking games. I think everyone enjoyed themselves. I don’t know how we’ll all survive not seeing each other 30 hours a week!!

I didn’t study at all for math. Instead I made a cake! I love the cake, I think it was awesome. Even though the back collapsed under the weight of its own icing, hahahaha. I had to use a lot of icing to cover up all my mistakes. :D It was purple, green, and pink on the inside.

collapsed sides

And I guess someone took some pictures with my camera? Ummmm this was the best shot of them all. Lol.

Oh and I’m pretty sure I aced the math final. Yessssss I love math. Math is in my blood. Study-schmudy.

I also made peppermint Rice Krispie squares. Aka rice krispie squares with smashed up candy cane inside. They were good! We are having soft tacos tonight for dinner because we have lettuce and tomatoes to use up and avocados were only 67 cents this week and I bought two. Guacamole time!

I am 100% on holiday, and it feels so good. Time to get started on some homemade Christmas gifts!