I finished the nuclear medicine program. I am now officially on an indefinite long weekend.

Only two people have gotten jobs so far… one ten hours away from Vancouver, and one who went to the same hospital both summers. No sign of any jobs for the rest of us yet.

It really is a terrible time right now. We’re all supposed to just study hard for our certification exam and keep calling around and waiting for the dust to settle from the major scheduling changes the departments were forced into making starting after this weekend.

I have no idea what is going to happen and to be honest it is very depressing. It doesn’t help that my good friend is moving away this weekend as well.

Fingers crossed that things just end up working out… but it sounds like I am going to have to wait a few more weeks to find anything out.

WORK/SCHOOL – My summer has pretty much revolved around this. I feel like the majority of my summer has been working, commuting, studying or sleeping (and going to the gym). I’m two weeks away from finishing clinical though so it’s all good. After clinical ends we have a couple weeks to study our butts off and then we write the national certification exam on September 17th.

HOME – We still really like this apartment. Our neighbour situation at the moment is pretty ideal too now. We used to have really loud neighbours to the right. They did things like leave their alarm clock beeping from 10PM to 5AM straight, or have loud arguments on the balcony at 10PM, or have loud parties on Wednesday nights. Then a while ago we noticed we hadn’t heard anything from there for several days. We peeked around the divider to look and all their stuff was still there, but it seemed like there was no one in the apartment for a whole month. Then mysteriously one day all their furniture was packed up and gone, except for a few knicknacks here and there. THEN we noticed that the patio door has been wide open for at least a week now. WHAT HAPPENED???!!! Did they die in there and now they are airing it out?? I don’t get it. (ps I hope no one actually died)

FOOD/DRINK – New favourite drink: strawberry lime cider. Six for $11?? Love this province and their ridiculously cheap cider. Today I baked cheesy garlic bread… FROM SCRATCH. There’s more than one baker in this house!!! It was delicious.

FRIENDS/FAMILY – I’ve been enjoying bubble tea dates and game nights and chatty lunches and hanging out on the patio. We should have another party asap. Friends: just come over any time!! Also I miss Rosemarie a lot and am counting down the days till she comes “home”. At least it seems like she is doing really well in New Zealand (office work weekdays and outdoors for the whole weekend, the usual).

FITNESS – I’ve still been going to the gym 2-4 times a week. Still doing mainly weightlifting but today I did my first attempt at HIIT. I like that HIIT only takes like 15 minutes. I bought a bikram yoga Groupon last week too. Thought yoga might help with my core which will help with skeleton. It would have made my mom SO happy if I had told her I decided to finally try yoga, haha. I’m also thinking about getting back into swimming. I’ve been meaning to write a big post about my foray into fitness so that’s all I’m going to say about exercise for now. New post coming soon.

HOBBIES – What’s a hobby?


Only 5 more weeks of clinical to go! One more week of hotlab, two weeks doing PET at the BC Cancer Agency, and two relaxed weeks back at the outpatient centre. So close to done.

Still no word of any jobs though. Our class ended up being really unlucky. The union is forcing all the hospitals to switch to a 5 day/week, 37.5 hours/week schedule and it seems like no one is going to hire anyone until all this change happens. Luckily the change is supposed to be finalized by the beginning of September, but unluckily I don’t know if there is going to be as much need for casuals any more. And I would not be surprised at all if things get delayed. :'(((((((((((. Things are a little grim.

I don’t really know what Plan B is at this point. All I know is that I REALLY REALLY want a job so that 1. I can get some work experience under my belt and 2. I can afford to do skeleton this winter.

It hasn’t rained a drop at our house in 4 weeks. Almost all our plants are dead and all the grass in the city is yellow. Fantastic patio weather though! I really enjoy eating our dinner outside on the patio and it’s been great not having to worry about moving the chair cushions and stuff.

Summer is passing by quickly. A lot of it is being spent commuting. :( PS A HUGE thank you to Lesley for lending me her car for my whole hotlab rotation (I start at 6AM and can’t get to work by public transit for that time). She rules and I owe her big time.

We have been squeezing in some fun activities here and there but I’ve been horrible about taking pictures. Worst blogger ever at the moment.

It is so so nice not having homework. And one benefit of very early morning starts is that I’m usually finished work by about 3PM. To make it even better the weather in Vancouver has been PERFECT for the past week and a bit. Life is good here, at the moment. :D

We saw Monsters University last weekend. Have you seen it? I liked it quite a bit. I laughed a bunch of times. Then the next night I watched Monsters Inc again. Cute.

I can see Canada Place from our balcony so I was planning on watching the Canada Day fireworks from here, but I fell asleep and missed them!! I actually did wake up from some booms and ran out onto the balcony but it must have been the very last ones from the show because I didn’t see or hear anything after that. Bummer.

I went to the gym with my skeleton friends on Thursday and my quads are STILL sore. We did bench press, front squats, power cleans, abs, and core. Chris pushes Matt and I to lift as hard as we can. I am still pretty weak but I am improving. BTW, they still haven’t announced the dates for BC skeleton tryouts yet and I still haven’t decided if I’m going to bother trying out this year or not. It might be kind of fun to do all the tests, but I’m worried that I would still be embarrassingly unqualified. I haven’t even tried any of the sprints or jumps yet. We’ll see, and I’ll keep you posted.

The end of last week was dramatic at work. We got a call near the end of the day on Thursday from a camera manufacturer that said we could no longer use their cameras until they have been checked out, effective immediately. The hospital exclusively uses that brand of camera so we had to cancel everything for the next day that we could and figure out how to get the urgent inpatients their tests in other facilities. I thought I was going to get the day off but instead they sent me back to the outpatient centre (that uses a different brand of camera). Friday was pretty chaotic with all the extra patients from other hospitals so I helped out with that. I’m not sure when things will get back to normal… hopefully by tomorrow but I’m not sure.

That hospital rotation really was exhausting and tough, but I ended up getting a very good review so I’m happy. I’m glad I got that rotation over with as well… the rest of the summer should go pretty smoothly.

Yesterday Clare and I went to see our classmate Gillian get married. We just went to the ceremony so we weren’t there very long. We got to see their first EVER kiss!! Gillian looked so pretty and I loved her dress. Congratulations Gillian and Bryan!

My dad says all I talk about it food. Oops. It’s true that I think about food a lot, but I do have other stuff to talk about! I declare this post a food-free zone.

I am now in the 5th week (out of 14) of my summer clinical. Most of the summer I am at the outpatient centre in Surrey and it is awesome. The place was only built 2 years ago so everything is new and clean and lovely. The facilities are definitely good there. And to make it even better all the patients are in reasonably good health. They all come there willingly, from home. They don’t require too much extra work.

BUT…. everyone has to do a two week rotation through the hospital as well. It is old and dark and crowded. EVERY patient is an inpatient (admitted to the hospital) and requires LOTS of extra work. They usually can’t walk on their own so we have to transfer them from their stretchers to our camera beds and back. They also can’t get up to use the washroom. Or get something that they need. And to make it even worse lots of them have contagious infections. And terrible veins. AWESOME.

This week and next week I am at the hospital. Monday was bonkers. The last couple days haven’t been TOO crazy but it’s still lots more work than other rotations. My legs are killing me!

I am not looking forward to next week when Scott is gone and I have to cook for myself!! I see a lot of frozen pizzas in my immediate future. (Oops I’m not supposed to talk about food…)

Long weekend coming up though! We’re having a little housewarming party on Saturday and then Scott leaves on the Monday for Australia for Jessie’s wedding. He’ll be gone for two weeks. Hopefully we can get in some good quality patio time over the weekend before he leaves.

At least my next rotation after this hospital one is going to be very easy. Hopefully this crappy non-summery weather finishes by then too!!