Scott and I had a very fun and funny Saturday night last weekend. Thanks to Janine we had VIP tickets for the Canadian Videogame Awards. We also went to the awards last year but this year was way better because Janine was actually able to come! (She works in Toronto).
Scott and I took a quick look around the FanExpo and then awkwardly waited on the red carpet for a good time to go past the photographers into the awards reception area. There was a guy with a whiteboard who was announcing who everyone was by holding up a sign. I wanted to tell him to write Tetris but I am too shy. Eventually we found out we could go behind the media area and then finally we were in.

my red carpet experience
The reception was good, they had hors d’ouevres and wine for us like last year. No free t-shirts for Scott though, haha. We met up with two more of Janine’s friends and got a nice central table for the awards show.

not sure why scott is being so shy

kate, janine & me

a dude from Battlestar Galatica giving out an award
The awards were pretty interesting. It’s neat to see all these Canadian made games. We actually have a pretty good presence in the videogame industry.
I think I asked Scott 50 times if he played about 5 different games. I kept forgetting which is which since they all seem to end in “3” or “2”. Far Cry 3 and Mass Effect 3 won everything, pretty much.

elias toufexis, david hayter, commander shepard (he and she)

the rocketeer
A lot of the same people as last year were there. Like The Rocketeer and Snake.

me and my awards
Janine had about 1000 drink tickets so things started to get pretty silly from this point forward. That’s me with some awards I stole off the Ubisoft Montreal table. :D Kidding, I asked.

elias toufexis & scott

scott with the shepard’s (nice face dude)

scott comparing his shoes to aaron douglas’s shoes

scott and chief galen tyrol from battlestar galatica
It was funny, Aaron Douglas REALLY liked Scott’s shoes and offered me $100 to make a Batman pair for his wife. We ended up spending the whole rest of the night partying with him and his (real life) wife. They are both very nice. We are now BFFs.
I drank about 900 glasses of wine and we stayed out pretty late. And then Scott ran the Sun Run the next morning!!! I didn’t even wake up until he had already raced!!! He ended up doing super well anyway and even got a new PB. I am proud of him.